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Shared Configuration Across Teams

Assume you have a two or more teams, each works for a different internal or external service, like:

  • Product 1
  • Product 2
  • Observability

The simplest helmfile.yaml that declares the whole cluster that is composed of the three services would look like the below:

- name: product1-api
  chart: product1-charts/api
  # snip
- name: product1-web
  chart: product1-charts/web
  # snip
- name: product2-api
  chart: saas-charts/api
  # snip
- name: product2-web
  chart: product2-charts/web
  # snip
- name: observability-prometheus-operator
  chart: stable/prometheus-operator
  # snip
- name: observability-process-exporter
  chart: stable/prometheus-operator
  # snip

This works, but what if you wanted to a separate cluster per service to achieve smaller blast radius?

Let’s start by creating a helmfile.yaml for each service.


- name: product1-api
  chart: product1-charts/api
  # snip
- name: product1-web
  chart: product1-charts/web
  # snip
- name: observability-prometheus-operator
  chart: stable/prometheus-operator
  # snip
- name: observability-process-exporter
  chart: stable/prometheus-operator
  # snip


- name: product2-api
  chart: product2-charts/api
  # snip
- name: product2-web
  chart: product2-charts/web
  # snip
- name: observability-prometheus-operator
  chart: stable/prometheus-operator
  # snip
- name: observability-process-exporter
  chart: stable/prometheus-operator
  # snip

You will (of course!) notice this isn’t DRY.

To remove the duplication of observability stack between the two helmfiles, create a “sub-helmfile” for the observability stack.


- name: observability-prometheus-operator
  chart: stable/prometheus-operator
  # snip
- name: observability-process-exporter
  chart: stable/prometheus-operator
  # snip

As you might have imagined, the observability helmfile can be reused from the two product helmfiles by declaring helmfiles.


- ../observability/helmfile.yaml

- name: product1-api
  chart: product1-charts/api
  # snip
- name: product1-web
  chart: product1-charts/web
  # snip


- ../observability/helmfile.yaml

- name: product2-api
  chart: product2-charts/api
  # snip
- name: product2-web
  chart: product2-charts/web
  # snip

Using sub-helmfile as a template

You can go even further by generalizing the product related releases as a pair of api and web:


- name: product{{ env "PRODUCT_ID" }}-api
  chart: product{{ env "PRODUCT_ID" }}-charts/api
  # snip
- name: product{{ env "PRODUCT_ID" }}-web
  chart: product{{ env "PRODUCT_ID" }}-charts/web
  # snip

Then you only need one single product helmfile


- ../observability/helmfile.yaml
- ../shared/helmfile.yaml

Now that we use the environment variable PRODUCT_ID to as the parameters of release names, you need to set it before running helmfile, so that it produces the differently named releases per product:

$ PRODUCT_ID=1 helmfile -f product/helmfile.yaml apply
$ PRODUCT_ID=2 helmfile -f product/helmfile.yaml apply

Last update: March 31, 2019